Johanne Lemaire

Tableau | Data analysis | Data storytelling

Iterating my Sugar Crisis Viz – MoM 2020 w 3

this is the

My takeaways from the webinar to iterate my viz, and what I did:

1) clearer separation between data sets, more white space What I did:

  • increased the height of my fixed size dashboard

2) my choice of colour is not immediately clear — what does it mean What I did:

  • leave the red only for the title, change the rest of text and graphics to grey
  • checked the contrast of my chosen colours on, and change the red from the standard red in Tableau to one slightly darker, #DB383A

3) neither the story nor the takeaway are immediately clear and obvious What I did: Added text, added white space between the different sections.

  • might change some things back to red to emphasize the crisis character

Lessons learnt: Sometimes taking away too much is not a good thing.

I think what that means for the way I build stories, is that I need to write and/or show my thinking in constructing and telling my story. And remove clutter and words only in the charts, where they might be superfluous.

I am happy with the changes made, but found that it took a lot of words to convey the story I wanted to tell. I’ll try to stick to something simpler next time.

See the after version below, or click through to it on Tableau Public

informational graphic on sugar consumption in the UK and measures the government takes to combat it.
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